07 January 2014

List of Government Expenditure to be Cut


If you have any suggestions then please let me know in the comments section below.

Things that should be cut at the Federal level:
·         Joint strike fighter (the cost has already blown out by billions and will continue to do so)
·         Withdrawing all Australian military forces from all foreign countries (Insurgents have taken over cities in Iraq recently. So much for mission accomplished)
·         Baby bonus
·         Family tax benefits (up to $30bn saved per year that can be passed on in tax cuts)
·         Paid parental leave (at least $4bn per year)
·         Car industry subsidies (Holden is winding up assembly by 2017, Toyota will hopefully follow soon)
·         All sports subsidies and $7bn in arts subsidies
·         Foreign acquisitions of submarines instead of building them in Adelaide ($20bn saved)

Total saved from spendings cuts: At least $10bn per year

A report by the Centre for Independent Studies saves up to $20bn per year, which you can read in more detail by clicking here.

It outlines nine budget fixes:

Total saved from all of the above including CIS report: At least $25-30BN PER YEAR

Other spending to cut:

To privatise:
·         Australia Post
·         Medibank
Before you say this is radical privatisation, the ACCC agrees with me! 

Other waste:

Politicians abusing taxpayer money

State government waste

“Another state authority that was also under the spotlight last year, the Victorian Building commission, has dramatically cut its corporate expenses after being labelled by Victoria's Ombudsman as being rife with ''cronyism'' and misuse of funds.

  • First Home Owners Grants and various construction grants


  1. Cut:
    First Home Owners Grant
    Various construction grants (think there are better ways to encourage construction without padding the deposit of speculators to bid up prices)
    Schoolkids Bonus (think this might already be on the chopping block?)

    1. Thanks. I've added the FHOG and construction grants. The Schoolkids bonus doesn't look like it will be repealed till July when the Senate changes.
