20 July 2010

Accusations of Racism in Australia

A couple of months ago when I decided to write about this topic, Australia and racism were two words that dominated the Australian media. With attacks on Indian students every week, the Australian and Indian media fanned the discussion of racism in Australia. It is my opinion that Australia is not a racist country but does have racist elements like any other country. However, I would also say that Australia is a much more tolerant and egalitarian society, more so than most countries but in particular India, which continues to be plagued by religious, caste and class divisions.

Firstly the numerous attacks on Indian students were not because of racial hatred but because of disregard for personal safety. Most of the attacks occurred at night in locations where there were hardly any people. This just plays into the attacker's hands and it is no surprise that this was a common feature of these attacks. I'm in no way saying the attacks were the victims fault, but rather there are precautions most people take and unfortunately foreign students may not be aware of those cautious actions which could have prevented the attacks.

Then there's that Hey Hey it's Saturday skit which had the Americans deeply offended. You can watch it here:

Anyway I think the world has moved on past the racial tensions that have separated societies in the past. I can understand American opposition to the skit but from the audience's reaction it was hardly viewed as a offensive and I think it is acceptable in Australia because of our larrikin culture and ability to take the piss out of anything. Just like many Islamic societies are socially conservative in comparison to western societies, Australian audiences are different to American audiences. I'm glad Australia viewed it as a humorous skit and not despised it due to a perceived racism.

My favourite, world has gone mad story related to this issue is the "racist biscuit". You know the PC brigade is out in force when you read a headline like this.


The whole idea that Australia is a racist nation is propagated by those who have not experienced Australian society or do not understand that a small degree of xenophobia is normal for most societies. Australia is a country built on migrants and is becoming increasingly multicultural which is evidence of a tolerant and welcoming society. I will reiterate that Australia is one of the least xenophobic/racist countries in the world and any tensions that are on display are normal given our diverse mix of cultures and people.

This will be the final post on this blog. I have found that I do not have the time to pursue this interest and it is unfortunate that the journey ends here.

Carpe Diem.

September 2013 EDIT:
I had to include this map, enjoy!

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